StripAid™ X Solvent

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Supplier Info

Product Type:

Parts & Consumables



Product Description:

StripAid™ X Solvent of dynatex is a biodegradable hydrocarbon used for debonding the temporary adhesive WaferGrip. The non-hazardous formulation makes StripAid™ X Solvent a popular choice for processes in which environmental impact is a particular concern. StripAid™ X Solvent can be used at ambient or elevated temperature and with ultrasonic agitation.

Perfect matched to WaferGrip™ Adhesives from dynatex.


Product Specifications

Specific Gravity @ 68°F 0.97
Density @ 68°F (lbs/gallon) 8.1
Solubility in Water Negligible
Water Solubility in Strip Aid @25°C (% by weight) 0.2
Absolute Viscosity 68°F (cSt) 55
Flash Point (°C) 212
Vapor Pressure Negligible
Color Cloudy
Odor Mild
Other Contains no animal by-products

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StripAid X Solvent is specially formulated to remove WaferGrip Adhesives. The recommended process steps are:

  1. Soak in StripAid at 110° C for 5 to 20 minutes
  2. Soak in clean StripAid at 110° C for 5 to 20 minutes
  3. Acetone rinse
  4. IPA rinse
  5. DI water rinse

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